The Compeer Program matches adults who are living with mental illness with community trained volunteers to create intentional friendships with the goal of reducing isolation and loneliness.
Welcome, mental health professionals! Thank you for your interest in referring a client to the Compeer Program. The Compeer Program is a helpful and positive adjunct in the treatment of mental illness. Compeer welcomes you to become a part of this process with your client.
Compeer provides opportunities for community members living with mental illness to be matched with a volunteer in order to develop a friendship and become gradually more involved in the community. The friendship is developed to in order to reduce the loneliness and seclusion so often associated with mental illness.
Our Mission
Compeer's mission is to reduce the loneliness and isolation of adults receiving mental health treatment by developing structured friendships with trained community volunteers.
Our Vision
Compeer Inc. envisions a day when all communities embrace individuals and their families living with mental health challenges.
What people are saying
“This is a wonderful program that has really assisted my client to engage with another person other than mental health staff. The volunteer is very competent, aware and and caring. I am grateful for her services and that of the Compeer Program.”
“When I am out with my friend, I feel I am part of what is happening in a busy world and I am not alone. I see other people together and I no longer feel different because I am with my volunteer friend.”
“I would highly recommend Compeer as a volunteer opportunity. It provides situations for you to learn so many things too!”